Christopher Angelico

Freelance, and Game Jams, and GDC oh my!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

It's been a while since I posted anything and while I have had topics of interest that I want to write about I figured it would be better to put out a progress post at the very least and maybe a glimpse at what those might be.

One area of interest will be what I have learned from one of my freelance jobs. That lesson was in making code that scales. I learned that sometimes the code you write works for the small scale you are working with, but ultimately you need to write your code in a way that is efficient regardless of how much content is thrown at it.

I may go into what my first game jam was like, but I have other topics I would like to cover like dynamic gameplay/difficulty and haptic feedback in VR. The latter of which I got to experience at GDC.

Lastly, I just want to say out of the entire GDC experience, outside of the people I met, the most amazing thing I experienced was the VR game Robo Recall by Epic Games. If you get a chance, do yourself a favor and play it because it's amazingly fun.

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